Sunday, March 24, 2013

Liebster Award!

Hey lovelies! I'm excited to announce that I've been nominated for the Liebster Award TWICE! By the gorgeous ladies Maddy and Sara! You can check out Maddy's blog here and Sara's here. If you're not sure what a Liebster Award is, here's a little info: "The Liebster Award is given to up and coming bloggers who have less than 200 followers. It's a great way for new and undiscovered bloggers to meet new people, get more followers and find new blogs that they want to follow"

Now onto the rules! :
  • List 11 facts about yourself
  • Choose 11 bloggers with less than 200 followers to nominate (not including your nominator)
  • Ask 11 new questions for the bloggers that you nominate
  • Answer the 11 questions given to you by your nominator
  • Thank your nominator and give a link to their blog
11 Facts About Myself:

1. I love, love, love pinups, the 50's and anything vintage 
2. My shoe of choice are converse
3. My favorite film is Ever After
4. My favorite color is grey
5. I LOVE Frankenstein and Bride. I try to collect any merch of them that I can get my hands on
6. I listen to scores more than any other type of music
7. I love animals. Especially, cats, owls, bats and penguins
8. I am actually allergic to cats and yet, I own five. I would never ever trade them or any others for the world
9. I attend comic con every year
10. I currently have three tattoos and I plan on finishing my half sleeves in the near future
11. My blog name is based on one of my tattoos

Maddy's Questions:

1) Who is your fashion/makeup icon and why? This is a very difficult question for me, simply because I've been inspired by so much and so many people both famous and non-famous. I've always loved retro/pinup style fashion so I absolutely adore Marilyn Monroe and Bettie Page. If I had to choose for the present, it's just impossible to narrow down so my favorites are Tess Munster, Teer Wayde, Marfmellow, Vintage or Tacky, GoldieStarling and so many more. To me, these women are just absolutely stunning and I'm awed by their makeup, fashion, and confidence. 

2) What is your favorite thing about yourself? I like that I'm a very carefree and confident person, it allows me to walk through a lot of situations with my head held high. Also, my eyebrows! For some odd reason they stay the same shape and I never have to shape them or bother them. 

3) What would you do if you came to a large sum of money? Well, first and foremost I would pay off all of my hospital and schooling bills and after that, I would absolutely donate to a few charities, depending on how much I had left my next goal would be to purchase my own home

4) What would your three wishes to a genie be? 1. Health for myself, friends, family & pets. 2. A lifetime supply of cheesecake in a variety of flavors. 3. More wishes. 

5) Best new dish you've recently tried. Baked lasagna from scratch!! I LOVE to cook and recently I've started making all of my meals completely scratch from start to finish. Amazing!

6) One fashion/beauty item you can't live without. Red lipstick! I adore red lipstick and my look honestly doesn't feel complete without it.

7) One fashion/beauty item you regret buying. Oh boy, well thankfully I have not purchased many duds on my makeup and fashion journey. If I had to pick however, I would say lime green converse. Now that I think back, I didn't give them the wear and love that they deserved. 

8) A goal you wish to accomplish by the end of 2013. Graduating, getting healthier and moving out. Wait..that's three. Oh well!

9) Best advice you ever received. Be yourself. No matter how outrageous, loud, or quirky. The best thing you can be is yourself because you are amazing, you are YOU and people will love you and you will love yourself.

10) What is something you could improve on? I try to learn and evolve as much as possible. With that said, I know that I could improve upon the content that I post on my blog to include a lot more fashion and not just reviews.

11) What came first, the chicken or the egg? Some primitive form of bird; something had to lay the egg right??

Sara's Questions:

1. When and why did you start blogging? I started blogging on January 30th, 2012. I started because I love makeup, I love writing and I felt that I had something to offer even if it only helped a few people.

2. What's one thing you've learned about yourself because of blogging? I've learned that I'm not the bad writer that I sometimes view myself as and that my blog posts do actually help a few people and that's all that matters.

3. What is one thing that has surprised you about blogging? (Ex. I didn't expect people to be so nice) It's not as easy as some might think. A lot of thought and effort goes into purchasing, reviewing, styling and keeping up with everything. I love it and I absolutely wouldn't change it but, some seem to think that it's just merely sitting behind a keyboard.

4. If you could only wear one makeup up look the rest of your life, which would it be...eye makeup with bare lips or lipstick with no eye makeup? Lipstick with no eye makeup, I need my red lips!

5. Who is your biggest beauty inspiration? This is a very difficult question for me, simply because I've been inspired by so much and so many people both famous and non-famous. I've always loved retro/pinup style fashion so I absolutely adore Marilyn Monroe and Bettie Page. If I had to choose for the present, it's just impossible to narrow down so my favorites are Tess Munster, Teer Wayde, Marfmellow, Vintage or Tacky, GoldieStarling and so many more. To me, these women are just absolutely stunning and I'm awed by their makeup, fashion, and confidence.

6. What is your biggest pet peeve about bloggers that you've noticed? People who do not show appreciation for their fans/followers/readers, etc. This applies to far more people than just bloggers! You would not be in the place that you are if not for your amazing and dedicated followers. It saddens me to see individuals who brush off those who stand behind them as though they've gotten where they are simply by a gust of wind. 

7. What age did you start wearing makeup and what was the first makeup item you owned? I was 14/15 and I wore heavy eyeliner. My first and favorite was Estee Lauder's Automatic Eyeliner. Ahh the memories!

8. What is the best advice you've ever received? Be yourself! No matter how outrageous, loud, or quirky. The best thing you can be is yourself because you are amazing, you are YOU and people will love you and you will love yourself.

9. What's one beauty rule you always follow? I guess maybe prepping my nails before polish?

10. If you could be somebody else for one day, who would it be and why? Chris Hemsworth, I mean...who doesn't want to be Thor?

11. What are you most proud of with your blog? How much Dollface Beauty has grown! I started doing this with absolutely no clue and here I am over a year later going strong with 17 followers and over 5,000 page views. Thank you!!

Questions for my nominees:

1. Who or what has been your biggest inspiration in life so far?
2. If you could have one superpower, what would it be and why?
3. What is your one ultimate holy grail product?
4. When you first started using makeup, what was your biggest "makeup crime"?
5. If you could be whisked away to one place, where would it be?
6. What are you most looking forward to in the next year?
7. What is one fashion item that you can't bear to throw away no matter how old it gets?
8. If you listen to music while putting on your makeup, what song really pumps you up for the day?
9. Is there a makeup/fashion trend past or present that you love but, haven't tried yourself?
10. What do you hope to achieve with your blog?
11. If any, what message or advice does your blog portray?

I Nominate: 

Kristina // Kristina's Beauty Bag

Mary // Glitter Odyssey

Miss Dalisay // Beauty Rehab

Michaela // I Sold The World

Dee // Xxelle Fatshion


Jen // JenTea

Alisa // Curious Alisa

Athena // Modestly Sophisticated

V // Beauty Out Loud

Gabs G // Beauty Madness

Photo is from Google Images

Much love and many thanks! xo


  1. I love it!! You are such a gorgeous and confident woman, thank you for sharing a little about yourself and your blog...really inspiring! I love that you'd be Thor for a day...hahaha! That made me chuckle!

    1. Thank you so much, that really means a lot to me. You are absolutely beautiful as well and I've been loving your blog, I'm jealous of your eye makeup; it always looks so amazing. Keep up the good work lovely!

  2. Congrats on your award! You have an amazing blog! Keep it up! Followed, xoox

    1. Thank you for the follow! I'm checking out your blog as we speak

  3. Congratulations!
    I'm following back on GFC :)

    Simonè, XO

  4. Thank you so much for the nomination! It means a ton!!(: I will most definitely get to this award by the middle of the week!


    1. You're so welcome! You deserve it! And thank you for nominating me as well
